Lime Studios: Empower - Hot to Trot
Mixed by Joel Waters @joeldwaters
Assistant Mixer Mia Perfetti @mia_perfetti
Client: Empower @officialempowertoday
Head of Creative: Todd Lauer
Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners @goodby_silverstein
Executive Creative Director: Jim Elliott @jjelliottjr
Creative Director: Ryan Tovani
Creative Director: Chad Leitz
Art Director: Martha Jane Shafer @marthaaajane
Copywriter: Rich Forzano @fro_zone1
Production Management: Omnicom Production @omnicom
Head of Production: Jim Haight @jim.haight
Executive Producers: Sara Ward, Stephanie DeNatale
Senior Producer: Alexei VanMourik @alexei.vanmourik
Head of Photography: Emilio Díaz Acero
Photography Producer: Peter Scott @p.eterscott
Production: Anonymous Content @anoncontent
Director: Tim Godsall
Managing Director: Eric Stern @erstern
Executive Producer: SueEllen Clair @sueellenclair
Producer: Laura Miller
Editorial: EXILE Edit @exileedit
Editor: Grant Surmi @gsurmi
Asst Editor: Kyle Behrens @kyle_behrens
Executive Producer: Jennifer Locke @jennlinnlocke
Senior Producer: Adam Parker @itsadamparker
Head of Production: Taylor S. Rousseau Samuel
VFX: Coffee & TV @coffeetvstudio
Executive Producer: Adam Reeb @grimreeber
Senior Producer: Shelby Wong
VFX Supervisor & lead Flame Artist: Nick Taylor @nicktaylordp
Motion Graphics Artist: Juliet Crossan
Color: Royal Muster @royal.muster
Executive Producer: Thatcher Peterson @thatchfucious
Producer: Patrick Lewis
Color Artist: Gregory Reese @earth_to_greg
Information provided via Instagram